
Desert Rice Field

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Desert Rice Field

Planting Rice in The Harsh Desert

Difficulty in the project: planting rice in the harsh desert is an almost impossible thing to do, the difficulty of desert cultivation is how to prevent leakage and anti-evaporation.

Core Technology used in Desert Rice: breathable anti-seepage technology (breathable anti-seepage sand)

Breathable anti-seepage sand is a waterproof and breathable high-tech materials.

Desert Rice Planting Method:

The first step: the machine ditch


Desert Rice Planting

The second step: shop breathable anti-seepage sand

breathable anti-seepage sand


The third step: cover soil leveling

Desert Cultivation, Desert Farming Technology


Step four: machine transplanting

Desert Cultivation, Desert Farming Technology


Desert rice is grown for 20 days

Desert rice is grown for 20 days


Desert rice cultivation for 35 days


Desert rice cultivation for 35 days


Desert Rice Cultivation Value:

1, The use of the power of science and technology will be transformed into a good desert plantation.

2, The desert is the world’s most pure land

3, The desert has a very pure water

4, Desert areas full of sunshine

5, The pursuit of high quality, growth cycle of 160 days